Kindergartens & Kitas

How can I address kindergartens directly for my direct marketing and telemarketing campaign? How can outdoor advertising for e.g. tobacco or alcohol be prevented in the vicinity of a kindergarten?

How can I add value in real estate marketing and valuation in terms of availability of kindergartens?

Our constantly updated database with details for over 52,000 geo-referenced kindergarten addresses and contacts gives an answer to these questions.

Download the school datasheet here or for the full technical specifications just click on the button the right. 


Enriched address and contact data for Geo-Marketing and Location analysis.

Addresses and contact details of schools provide important information, e.g. for location planning, the valuation of residential property, the placement of outdoor advertising or the selection of addresses and telephone numbers for direct mailing or telemarketing campaigns.

As part of our Safety Alert Zones, you will be pleased to know that our database now includes 33,000 school addresses.  So if you are looking for a reliable dataset of addresses to maximize your marketing efforts, contact us. 

Download the school datasheet here or for the full technical specifications just click on the button the left.