AND is proud to announce the launch of its updated GeoBoundaries API, which are part of its geo-location product suite.

The GeoBoundaries API adds relevant information to a location, based on its numerical co-ordinates which is usually the name or type of area. The AND database records the geographic boundaries of all administrative zones across the globe so that you always know which area you know which area you find yourself in or alternatively which ones to avoid.

With this latest update and “Point in polygon check”you can easily find out which area an object is located in as part of turn by turn navigation and therefore increase your planning accuracy, which is key for automotive and mobility providers Logistics and transportation professionals will also enjoy improved routing and local search efficiency. In turn,  fleet management professionals will no doubt value the the ability and peace of mind to locate their assets with a specific area via track and trace.

Key features include:

  • Updated names and borders of all areas
  • All natural geo-boundaries: beaches, forests, heath land, islands and water districts
  • Al man-made geo-boundaries : airports, cities, cemeteries, golf courses, industrial areas and parks etc…
Thierry Jaccoud, CEO at AND commented: We have collated and regularly updated our global database of boundaries with the highest possible precision to create detailed results. Delivering this content through API has opened up new business opportunities for AND. Indeed, part of our strategy is to make our content more accessible to developers. Our Developer portal now offers over 8+ different APIs and we are constantly adding to those in order to offer to developers a complete portfolio of turnkey APIs solutions for their geo-location and geo-planning needs.”

For more information about our GeoBoundaries click here