Low-emission zone in Cologne / Köln / Keulen
The Low-emission zone in Cologne is an environmental zone or low-emission zone where traffic restrictions apply to protect the environment. The rules are set by a city or a department, temporarily when serious air pollution is measured, or permanently. In Cologne the Köln Umweltzone is active. This permanent zone covers a large part of the city of Cologne, it extends beyond the city centre and affects both the east and west side of the Rhine. Vehicles with a green badge are allowed in the Cologne Environmental Zone. You can find more information here.
Map of the Cologne Umweltzone

Die Zone erstreckt sich über einen großen Teil der Stadt Köln, erstreckt sich über die Innenstadt hinaus und betrifft sowohl die Ost- als auch die Westseite des Rheins. Fahrzeuge mit einem grünen Emblem dürfen in Köln fahren.
Local Names for low-emission zones around the world
Clean Air Zone, Congestion zone, Environmental zone, France Zone à faibles émissions, Limited Area Zone, Low Emission Zone (LEZ), Milieuzone , Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), Umweltzone, Zero Emissions Zone, Zona Traffico Limitato, Zonas de Bajas Emisiones, Zonas Urbanas por un Mejor Aire, Zone de protection de l’air, etc, etc
GeoJunxion created a database of such zones worldwide including all the zones in Germany and around the world. GeoJunxion monitors such Eco Alert Zones daily and makes the status of the Temporary Zones available via API.
GeoJunxion exhibits at polisMobility
GeoJunxion exhibits at the polisMobility in Cologne. polisMOBILITY is the international event that takes a whole-system approach to the future of mobility and urban life. Innovative, lively and inspiring, it will be held at Cologne’s trade fair grounds from 24 to 26 May 2023. You can find GeoJunxion on the Dutch Lounge in Koelnmesse’s in Hall 1.2.
Most of Cologne’s metropolitan area is a low emission zone. Vehicles entering this zone must carry a green sticker. However, the entrance to Koelnmesse is also secured for vehicles without stickers.